Thursday, November 22, 2007

I don't believe I put this info up for you this week. As I re read the information it still seems to me that the 10% is a dangerous thing. Not only does it seem impossible for some to ever attain it leaves others an ending offering. I feel that the statement, "I give $10 and myself. Mary I. McClellan." is much closer to the real offering Jesus is seeking.
If you have thoughts about 10% I would like to hear them. Pastor WaynO

1. Luke 18:9-14 (parable of the Pharisee and the Publican)
2. Mark 12:38-44 (story of the widow's mite)
3. Matthew 5:23-24 (be reconciled to persons from whom you are alienated before you give your offering)
4. Matthew 6:2-4 (give in secret)

Discovery Questions for Group Study
1. What is your personal conviction regarding the practice of tithing (giving 10 percent of your income before taxes to God's work)? Why?
2. Do you agree or disagree with this chapter's interpretation of Matthew 23:23-24; namely, that Jesus said we should tithe?

1 comment:

Debra said...

I know my ideas about the whole tithing thing has totally changed with this study.

1)At one time several years ago, I was very faithful about tithing. Some income changes and my tithing changed and we hit rock bottom. While I was tithing life finacially was doing ok. So, I have experienced first hand,it saddens me to say, it has taken me a long time, to get back to faithful tithing. I think tithing says a lot about what we think of God. I also think that some people do not relate how they tithe to how they think about God. We as a people seem to compartmentalize our lives and put each part of our life into a different compartment.However, God should be in every compartment of our life, but that does not always happen.

2)I do agree with Jesus.Tithing has a lot to do with faith.