Tuesday, November 13, 2007

What a great time, posting and reading and finding out there are others interested in reading the blog. If you read the blog, please sign in and give us some thoughts.
Today the wind is blowing and it is a bit cloudy but the Spirit still moves. I discovered that the blog can be put on a feed. This is a way to make it easier to share with all of you out there. If anyone is interested in that let me know and I will try to help you set it up. Also if you have stories or stewardship info you think would be good for everyone, by all means post it in a comment or email it to me and we will get it posted.
Well that is enough good stuff for now lets get back to the study. I find as we go along here that some of the new stuff reaches back to the older posts and comments. Look through it and see what you think.

The question for today is: Share one instance in which you felt joyful in giving money to God's work in the church or in the community.

Today's post:

The Reward of Sufficiency
A pastor, remembering his youth, recalls attending the last worship service in his home congregation before returning to college from summer vacation. The young man who was with him had become a Christian during the summer and wanted to attend the same Christian college, but his total resources amounted to only forty dollars. He needed a financial miracle. When the offering plate went by. the pastor was shocked to see his friend put in twenty dollars. When asked why he did that, he said, "Everything I have came from God. Why shouldn't I give half of it back? God knows what I need."
That action, though radical when viewed from a rational perspective, seems consistent with several statements of Jesus and Paul from the New Testament:
• "Give, and it will be given to you" (Luke 6:38)
• "Each of you must give as you have made up your mind, not reluctantly or under
compulsion, for God loves a cheerful given. And God is able to provide you with every blessing in abundance, so that by always having enough of everything, you may share abundantly in every good work" (2 Corinthians 9:7-8)
• "You will be enriched in every way for your great generosity..." (2 Corinthians 9:11)
The result of that college student's radical act of giving twenty dollars is also consistent with the experiences of countless Christians. "Anytime I give God fifty cents, God gives me back a dollar," a woman said. "Give 10 percent of your gross income to God," a man said. "Save 10 percent for your family's future, and you will never have a financial problem you cannot solve." Ann of Austria once said to Cardinal Mazarin, "My lord Cardinal, God does not pay at the end of every week: nevertheless, he pays."
The impoverishment of our lives does not always start with poor income: sometimes it starts with poor outgo. We do not receive because we do not give. Martin Luther said that he had held many things in his hands but he had lost them all. The only things he still had were those he had placed in God's hands. A rich king instructed that his body be displayed at his funeral with open, out-stretched fingers, palms up. In death, he still wanted to express his conviction that all we have is what God gives us and what we give away to others. If we think we ever really hold anything in our hands, we are kidding ourselves. They are always empty. Yet, as we give unselfishly to help others, God gives us sufficiency: "Give, and it will be given to you" (Luke 6:38)

Pator WaynO


Debra said...

The last few Sunday's at the new Inman Community Church. It is operating on faith. It is wonderful to see what is happening there. God is working.

I am praising God, for leading you(Wayne) to do this study on-line.It has so changed me.

WaynO said...

Great to hear that the church there is operating at any level but when it is on faith that is just a great testimony to the Holy Spirit. Praise the Lord. I heard Robert Schuller say "If you've got the faith, God's got the power." Amazing when we get to see it.
Pastor WaynO